Monday, May 28, 2018

How to tie a Truckers Hitch

How to tie  KNOTS.   < click the link*

Ken Reed sent me the above link about how to tie a Truckers Hitch.  As a sailor we use several knots and try to avoid getting our lines messed up and tangled.  We dont want our dinghy to get free, our fenders to fall off, our boat to run rampant....  

Today it's raining now, earlier and going to rain all day.  The storm Alberto in the gulf is causing havoc everywhere.  So I'll stay aboard ALL DAY and read a book, type on my computer and cook dinner.  I'm thinking Pressure Cooker Pork Ribs.  #Yum.

I hope you are not hungry.          

ps.  Happy Memorial Day everyone, especially our military.  I watched the local TV here in Marsh Harbor, which is Pirated from Miami.  It was showing lots of tributes and reminders of our military.  Thank you for your service.  I salute you.  

Finally this afternoon after the rain cleared off some I went to shore.  I expected stores to be closed.  Except it's NOT Memorial Day here.  In the Bahamas it's just Monday.  I was reminded yet again that my perspective is skewed.