Monday, September 30, 2019

Back at the Marina

 Back in Fort Pierce, FL

"We've been siblings for 45 years, but this is the first time we ever met."  Our dad was married 7 times...  (i offered to take the photo as they were attempting to do a selfie.  they told me their story.) Yesterday they got matching tattoo's.

Lynn, the question sister, writes today and asks, "Just looked at your blog— is there a story about the colorful fish? Who made them? Are they up permanently?  You live in an interesting place and find interesting stories."   - Lynn  

Great question Lynn.  My reply?  Heck if I know... 

This fence is one block West of the marina (you can see sailboat masts in the far background) and i was riding my bike past it one afternoon mid September when these people were out in the rain to attach 'decorated fish' as some form of art project.  I'll see if i can get more research on it.
OK, answers.  I called the St Lucie county chamber of commerce.  they directed me to the ft pierce chamber.  I got one of their peeps on the phone to explain it all.  The City decided to 'brighten up the fence surrounding the empty lot' by putting artwork on it.  It seems plans are for the Marriott Hotel to build a new hotel in that open block of land.  Bottom line, they started back in the summer when school was out, having local high school shop classes cut out patterns of fish and Manatees and then had people paint them.  I am told that I can paint a fish.  On the third Friday of the month, they have an open house downtown called 'the art walk.'  I can paint an art object by going to the "Potions and Lotions" shop next door to the Subway Sandwich shop and asking for Gertie.  Aint life grand!  I am already planning my design!

I hope Life is Grand wherever you are!         -Skip

Sunday, September 29, 2019

New York and then finally back home.

a server on the exhibit floor at the closing reception
Finished with 6 semis, and all gear gone
load out night waiting on Teamsters and trucks
trash day
The King of New York. 
Little old lady gives me a gift while walking to work.
"This take two hour to make by hand, all each piece."
New Yorks finest

Con Ed going down below the city.  (i aint 'fraid a no ghost)
Police Dogs in training

A Fishing Sunrise at the marina

 Finally back home at the Taco House and some bike riding

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Big Apple

The Running of the bulls in New Yorks Big Apple.

New York is full of crazy people...

Sunday, September 22, 2019

New York City

 A crew Birthday Party for Syl
7am and a scramble egg, cheese, turkey on a grilled roll. $6
 the city that never sleeps
A room with a view
 A beautiful retirement gift of a Latvian Sailing School commemorative coin
My new favorite Venezuelan coffee girl at the hotel
At work in the Jacob Javitz Convention Center

I watched a guy use rolls of tape on a white wall to create this look.