Friday, May 10, 2019

Eluethra in a quiet rolly anchorage.

That Crazy Cousin Rick put the line back in the water today and caught two more Mahi Mahi.  I put the first cleaned fish today into quart bags in the freezer and then got out the vacuum sealer and carefully portioned the 3rd fish into individual meals for the freezer too.  I think we can squeeze a few more Mahi steaks in the freezer!  (Or about 40lbs of TUNA!)  He's having fun fishing and I'm excited about eating all the fresh Mahi.

Today we sailed from Cat to Eluethra and anchored about 5pm.  tomorrow we will move about 40 miles up the coast and anchor again on Eluethra.  Now it's 6:33pm on a Friday night about 300 yards off the south west coast of Eluethra near nowhere...
I HOPE it rains on me.  A nice cooling shower and boat cleaning would be splendid.  I hope YOU are seeing a beautiful site like this too.        -Skipper