Friday, December 21, 2018

What's been up?

Done, done and done!  For some reason, some people dont like to talk about Colonoscopies.  why?  

'IT' was yesterday and it went 'fine.'  Except, they moved venues the day prior.  i got a phone call from the doctors office that the clinic they originally scheduled me in did not take my insurance, so they moved it to another outpatient clinic.  *note: this is on the DAY that i'm doing "the prep" and drinking a gallon of lemon-yellow goo.  (goo drinking says, "drink from 4p-8p")  That same day as the phone calls, someone knocked on my boat.  my neighbor next door, Gary and Barbara on a big beautiful KadeyKrogen yacht...  "Skip I'm making meatballs tonight and want you to join us?"  I say oh YES please, then remember it's chicken broth only today.  Double Damn!  So, at 5:30 I go over and smell the meatballs to visit for a few minutes.  (till the prep sends me running home)  They have also invited the neighbors across the dock, Breck and Pat who also have a massive luxurious yacht.  (I'm the poor step child. The one who can't eat, or cocktail.)  Barbara was so sweet, she made me a cup of Chicken broth.  so NO food that 'prep' day or the day of the procedure.  I dropped some pounds and WAS mean as a bear!  The procedure was scheduled for 2pm yesterday.

So, jump back to the day prior, Monday the prep day.  i spent hours on the phone with the old clinic, the new clinic, the doctors office, my insurance company....    Now just for fun, the doctors office phone system was on the blink that day.  It started with me sitting on hold for over 30 minutes with their computer voice phone.  I guess you could say it really started twelve years ago... when at age 50 my doctor went on vacation the week when my first Colonoscopy was scheduled.  I did all the prep and showed up at the clinic per my appt.  I was THEN informed - from the little sliding glass window in the big clinic lobby - "your doctor is on vacation and the procedure is cancelled."  THAT caused me to be worried, curious, leery about this procedure this time.  [it made me furious then, at age 50]  At age 50 they rescheduled and i had to 'prep' again and go through all the rest a few weeks later.  Thus my fear of 'what can go wrong' and the phone calls to confirm all round.

Cut to the scene at the clinic yesterday.  1:45pm and i've checked in at the reception desk for my 2pm procedure.  She checks her system and informs me, "we dont have you on the schedule."  [oh horrors, not again?]  The clinic lady, Maria, tries to call the doctors office - you guessed it - the phones put her on hold...  Fortunately i have a cell phone number for the receptionist at the Gastroenterologist office and we work it out.  They fax in the doctors orders and they put me on the books - yippee!  they put me at the end of the list, 5pm.  (hungry as a bear)  Sunday night i ate a salad.  Monday i had 3 cups of chicken broth.  It's now Tuesday and i've not eaten or drank anything.  (Growl)  Fortunately all the clinic staff were great, the doctor showed up and it all went smooth.  At 4:45pm they wheeled me into the operating room and I awoke at 5:15p in recovery.  To celebrate my great good fortune I went out to eat at 6pm.

There is no moral to the story.  Sometimes Colonoscopies are just a pain in the butt!

I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas!  
Unfortunately, with my medical bills, all i can afford to give you is this story.    
love you all.  xoxxoxo Skip
I'll be stuck here with my crazy friends at the marina restaurant.  With FOOD!
my weight: 204 lbs.  / my BMI is 24.8 normal