Friday, February 01, 2019

A day of blood letting?

While out running errands I found the Blood Mobile.  (or did they find me?)

I started by riding my bicycle to WestMarine for a couple of parts.  They had 2, but not the vital 3rd.  So i decided to stop by my favorite Mexican Restaurant for a taco and then on to Home Depot... (THIS i After some creative adaptation of parts i got enough stuff to make it work.  Now I'm on the other side of town and close to Publix grocery store.  Might as well peddle on over and get some milk?  

In the parking lot - sitting directly in front of the bike rack - the blood mobile.  (is this karma calling?)  Well yesterday i was given a clean bill of health at the public library, so why not give back and share some blood?  I went in and signed up for the max pain and biggest karma payback!  I got the 30 minute Cancer blood protocol.  They run your blood through a centrifuge and it takes a lot longer as the dark blood comes out and after spinning is pumped back into your arm - clear, is more unpleasant and made me feel better about my "good karma."  I hope it helps some well deserving cancer patient.


Prodigal on W8 mooring
While out bike riding, I rode up on the old bridge.  (Far East in the harbour) I was curious about what the view might be.  Toward the East is the 200 mooring balls, + the anchored boats.  The West points out into the Atlantic and Cuba...
Now i'm back on the boat with a glass of red wine, busy converting it into blood to refill my empty spaces.  I hope everyone is healthy and that some good karma comes all our way!
-Pirate Skip

next addition: how was Super Friday Happyhour?