Thursday, February 28, 2019

Home Alone and the quiet

I went on a big bike ride Yesterday.

I decided yesterday to take the bicycle to shore and see what George Town had to offer.  I rode south till i got out of town and then rode some more.  When i got tired i stopped for a can of juice at a little restaurant-bar named 'Cheaters.'  (i asked about the name but the lady only knew "its the name.")  After my rest i rode north.  In town, which circles Lake Victoria with a single one lane - one way - rode, i stopped for lunch.  I asked a little old man walking down the street where his favorite place was for lunch.  My smartest move all day.  He pointed out a little spot down the street.
I got the Curry Chicken.  Comes with either; rice, peas and rice, fries.  Plus a choice of 2 veggies.  i chose salad and corn.  It also had slaw, mac and cheese and something else...   $13.44 was the price.

Anyway back to the bike ride.  During my travels i saw a police car and flagged it down.  I asked the patrolman where i might lock my bike on shore instead of carrying it to and from the boat.  he suggested in front of the Police Station.  So i locked it to the light pole directly in front of the station.  More on that as it happens, or hopefully doesn't.

 hung over cat
 a cool cat
 The local laundry where i spent the morning Tuesday.

 Nephew Ryan arrives today and he requested Conch.  So I found this boat on the pier and bought 4 conch for $12.  These friendly guys cleaned them for me.  Yum!

I would love to sit and visit, but i am anxious to get to shore and see if my bike is still there!  -Skip