Thursday, May 10, 2012

Roger Waters - The Wall Concert

I got a phone call inviting me to Austin for the Roger Waters / Pink Floyd - The Wall Concert.  Naturally having never seen Pink Floyd perform before i was excited to attend....    (what i didnt realize was the ticket cost me $200)   i arrived early and did a site visit of the venue that morning.  they had 7 busses parked together with generators humming / AC's running and all the windows blacked out.  think sleeping beauty and travelling gypsies between acts...   The entire parking lot was full of identical Trucks.  the 21 Semi's that carry the show.  they were still unloading trucks that morning.  the show was incredible.  unlike most conceerts where they play "their latest album" this was an entire non-stop playing of The Wall in it's original format.  Fantastic!    A great time was had by all.       -skip