Sunday, August 25, 2019

Next stop - back to Arkanas

I'm going up to Fayetteville, Arkansas to visit friends 
for Labor Day Weekend.  
I'm not running away to escape Dorian, 
but it's a nice surprise that the timing is so good!

Meanwhile, here on land...

Yes, a new 'white trash' bike box.  (yes, its attached to an old cutting board)

Hannah and Obi-Wan
 Cider house, Tatum and a groovy dog visits at Pierced.

I'll be leaving behind my neighborhood and friends in Fort Pierce for about a week to drive north to spend the weekend with my best old friends from Elementary School.  A few beers, a few holes of golf and lots of laughs.  Lots and lots of laughs!  wish you could all join me.     
- Skip