Sunday, January 27, 2019

Another Bent Project

Every Day here is a beautiful miracle....
I awoke to clouds and no rain Friday.  The wind from the North and the temps much 'cooler.'  My project was to fix a broken bimini pole.  Upon departure from Ft. Pierce and the very strong currents, i sort of bent a pole on my neighbors anchor.  He was unhurt but i took a tiny bend to one support pole.  After some research and careful study i found out my best bet was to cut it off and 'insert a wooden dowel' into the 7/8" pipe, then overlay a 1" pipe over it.  So, i cut the old pipe as long as possible and hammered a wooden dowel into the old end.  Measured three times and cut the new stainless rod and muscled it into place.  If i didnt tell you, it would not be noticeable.
 When i was in West Marine picking up my 1"end cap for the pipe, i spotted Rosa and her husband Phil. They attended my church back in Texas and Rosa was the marina manager where i was living in Kemah for 8 years.  *small world!
Note: the BENT pole center frame

Ahhhhhhhh Priceless!

Now, I'll have leftover Chicken for dinner.  It was one of my best meals of all time.  Bacon wrapped, jalapeno cream cheese stuffed, chicken breast.  Served with green beans, cabbage and Kale.  Yum.  Oh and i also had a piece of apple pie.  
Living the dream.  (today)  xoxo Skip