Monday, May 20, 2019

The Hope Town Lighthouse

The Hope Town Lighthouse: 
'the most photographed thing in the Bahamas.'

 Kerosene hand pumped to the burning wick.  (like a coleman lantern)

 note the wick centered

"The last light of its kind in the world."  The light-station on Hope Town was erected in 1864.  It was originally a fixed light.  In 1936 they did a major refit and added the 1900 series, Chance Brothers of Birmingham England Fresnel Lens.  A hand cranked, kerosene burning, manned lighthouse.  The 8,000 pound bulls eye lens and prisms turns on a circular tub of 1,200 pounds of mercury.  The lighthouse keeper has to wind it up every two hours, all night.  Shine on you crazy diamond!
it's beautiful to behold.               - Skip