Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wed 8.27.08 Georgetown Catfish House

Georgetown, Arkansas Population 126, on the White River. We went to eat catfish tonight and ran across this gas well 'off gassing.' Also enjoyed some killer catfish.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8.26.08 Bluff Hole

Let's hold hands and walk down memory lane...

When i was in high school in Searcy, Arkansas we would often drive out a county road to the little town of Letona, Population 201. (it's 201 now. i dont recall what it was 30 years ago) if you knew where to go, which road and where to turn you could find Bluff Hole. This was a little swimming hole way back off a farmers grain field. the water was mostly knee deep except below the large bluff outcropping. if you were gutsy enough you could climb up and jump off into the pool below. i think the water at it's deepest was about 9-10 feet. the height of the cliff was about 50 feet.

Today i went back out to see if my memory of the event was enlarged by time. It's still a very very long drop! exactly as i remembered it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday August 25, 2008

Monday 8.25.08

Wow what a day! I got a contract on my house for sale.

Mom and i spent the day "working" on baking bread. we baked a loaf of mixed multi whole grains, with oats and nuts. it 'sunk.' at first it rose up and then in the oven it sunk down. this is not what we were trying to do. i wanted a loaf of "sandwich size" bread that could be used for it's special purpose.... sandwiches!

back to the drawing board. second attempt we tried a secret. the bread went insane and was trying to climb out of the pan. check out these loaves. i think we did it right? (how do YOU spell dirextionz?)

the first version rests between it's full size big brothers. a sandwich loaf.

Mom, Dad and i have had a nice visit. soon though i'll have to leave and move on. they "took me to raise" but i think they are done with me now!

hope all your bread rises... -skip

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Searcy, Ark. Tue 8.19.8

I'm home in Searcy, Arkansas visiting Mom and Dad. I left the Florida Keys late last week. Now i got word from Captain Craig that Hurricane Fay was quite a blow. 8 inches of rain yesterday and winds over 55mph, "caused some drips." ('Found several leaks on the boat.....just drips but every boat in the harbour is reporting some kind of leaks.')

Now i'm in my childhood bedroom visiting. i have seen lots of Olympics and even played a round of very bad golf. all good here!

Saturday 8.23.08 update. today Gary Garner (pictured left with wife Brenda and son Nick) and i played another round of very bad golf. i think i'm ready for the Laborday Golf Marathon! (this year i'm going for the GOLD)


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dallas 8.14.08 RETURNED**

8.14.08 Dallas again, all shopped out. After my visit with Wendy in GA, i drove 150 miles back down to Jacksonville, FL to see my final sailboat Wed. then i drove back to Dallas. It was quite a 'shopping spree.' I went from Houston all the way around the gulf coast and down to Key West, then back up Florida to the top of the east coast. I've seen so many boats i cant remember them all. Now i'll have to see if there are any worth buying... I'm going to create an Excel spreadsheet and get all this data - "apples to apples."

Stay tuned and maybe i'll start bidding on a boat!


Valdosta, GEORGIA

Tuesday 8.12.08 Valdosta, GA and a visit with Wendy Colson. Wendy and I were in College together in Searcy, Ark 1978-9. We connected a few years ago via the internet and i promised if i was ever "in Valdosta" i would look him up.... Well Tuesday after i looked at a boat in Titusville, FL i had a chance to drive 150 miles up to Valdosta and see Wendy.
(wendy at his fish camp)

He's older - but thank goodness UNCHANGED. I'm too tired from driving to write about the time he jumped a freighter and 'pulled a hobo' routine. Now he runs the family Printing business, fishes and plays in a band.

keep on trucking Wendy!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

8.10.8 Marathon Sunday

Sunday 8.10.08 a relaxing visit, sailing, Lobster hunt and some weather!
Craig and Angela out at lunch. the mundane chore of refilling propane bottles takes on picture postcard beauty. ahhhhhhhhh the islands...

2 Tugs moving 'some wall thing.' (still not sure what this was but it went right by us)

Angela watches for Lobster Pots. They are dropped with a concrete block inside, and marked by a floating buoy. the fear is wrapping one around our prop.

Angela wears a lobster necklace. (everyone wears them here)

while we were out hunting Lobsters some weather moved in. A waterspout hung down as the dark cloud eased by us. it lasted over ten minutes.

It was a great visit here in the keys. Tomorrow i head up to Fort Lauderdale and continue my boat buying search. Angela cooked too well and i ate too much. Craig worked non-stop. i scheduled naps in my day....
monster claws of the Propane Lady at Chevron Station.

Friday, August 08, 2008

8.8.8 Marathon, FL

Friday 8.8.8 Marathon, FL.

I forgot to mention an interesting little tidbit from the other day. walking down the Marina Pier a neighbor says to Craig, "hey they are giving away free gas." It turns out that Willem Bodenstein the Marina manager is having new gas tanks installed. so, they have to remove the old tanks. all the fuel has to be removed via "hazerdous waste" which is more expensive than giving it away... so word of mouth, radio ship to shore and SSB goes out, along with cell phone and people knocking on each others boats to spread the word. ships are driving up from across town and lining up for free gas. cars and trucks are pulling in from every direction. people on the live aboard boats are bringing their empty dingy cans to fill. madness ensues. but everyone was happy and smiling, laughing and waiting patiently. Hey, it's FREE GAS. like cristmas in august! even Willem was smiling.

later that day Craig worked on some new shelves for Angela. this required trips to Home Depot, and West Marine for parts. there is little rest time. (except during my nap time)

all good here. -skip

Thursday, August 07, 2008

8.7.8 Thur. Marathon, FL.

8.7.8 Thursday Marathon. Well we went boat shopping in Key West yesterday. It broke my heart. I was so excited about the condition of this Morgan 43' sailboat i had found. On the internet it was so clean and well maintained, with photos of upgrades and the 'general condition' of the boat. We got there and sure enough - it was beautiful. the owner had taken great care of the Sailboat. "they loved their home." (this was the first boat i had seen where the owner was still living aboard. all the others were empty, stuffy and most neglected) Captn Joe had the airconditioner cranked down nice and cool for us. we stomped around on deck looking at everything. every line, doo hickey and gizmo and how it all tied together. 'Clean and neat.' Then we went below deck and i bumped my head... the ceiling height was too low. Heartbroken. standing in the shower. the bed. (Goldilocks?)

The second boat was a Morgan 41 Out Island Ketch. it was more rustic. the owners wife has failing health and they have not been to the boat in a year. (~80 years olds) the second boat had much more ceiling height but was not as 'ready to drive off the lot.' at one point Craig was looking in the engine room and "spotted some water dripping." (note his eye & water) It might have been a fine boat, but i didnt get a warm fuzzy from it... One thing of interest - this boat was on the Naval Air Base. the owners friend "Gunny" had to come meet us at the gate and escort us to the marina. (really, that's his nickname) then he waved us goodbye and we proceeded to get lost trying to find the main gate. came to signs "no unauthorized access" and "no cameras allowed." (i didnt feel real welcome about that time) fortunately it was a slow day at the base and we managed to turn around 4 times and find our way out.

Now i have a new list. monday i'll start the search off again and up the east coast of Florida. At least now i'm somewhat smarter and have a very long list of boats i cant fit on. Also, a very SHORT list of boats where i can stand up straight. So, i have begun to narrow my search.

I'm now looking at Morgan 41' Classic's. (like Craig has - where i fit) I know i can stand up on this model. there were a few other boats but they were much larger and more expensive. my hope is to find a nice one of these in my price range.... (good luck)

Also: i saw some 'shade' that i liked. (very important down here!) AND a boat i can afford! my only hope is that before i leave i catch a fish so big i dont feel silly sitting in this chair. (it could happen)
still enjoying the search. a little tired, but not discouraged.
shopping in Florida. -skip

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Marathon Tue 8.5.8

Tue. 8.5.8. Marathon Florida, boat shopping.

I have a 2pm appointment for a boat today in Marathon and then an 11am tomorrow in Key West. Not much else to report.

here are a couple of photos i took over the weekend.

(today is refill the propane tanks and other home chores) Angela wants us to make her some shelves... it just never ends!

lovely weather.
