Thursday, January 04, 2018

Computer Crash

well, "some days you get the bear"... and then there are days like today.

I awoke to freezing temps but didnt let it bother me.  Had some Oatmeal, coffee and planned my day.  Then booted up my laptop.  NO!!!!!!!

Fingers crossed.  I did an internet search and found a 'computer guy' to help me.  Fingers still crossed.  I'm not holding my breath, yet.  But my fingers are still crossed.  He took it to his secret laboratory to do an open heart surgery.  He'll try to resuscitate it, or do a transplant.  Fingers crossed.              -skip

UPDATE:  I got a text message at 5:15pm.  "Skip, Good news.  Data is backing up now."  I breathed a huge sigh of relief and thanked the 'Computer Doctor' for the report.   I expect and hope to have it back, fixed, tomorrow.

Weather update:  it was warmer today.  Outside 35 degrees.  Inside 48.  It felt great compared to the cold of yesterday morning.  But I ran the generator and heater for an hour anyway - because I can!