Sunday, April 26, 2009

Luperon 4.26 SUNDAY

Well we are still sitting anchored in the harbor of Luperon, in the D.R. the weather yesterday said that it 'might have an opening for travel east by Thursday of this week.' so we wait.

today we went via dingy to the Blanco Marina for the cruisers swap meet and buffet lunch. ($200 pesos: $5.71us two pork chops, 1 grilled chicken piece, rice & beans, salad, eggplant, corn on the cob.) it was a lot of fun and i got to see and visit with most of my 'cruising friends.'

Angela sat for a haircut during the swap meet. the haircut lady pulls out her scissors and all it demands is a chair... Craig bought a staysail from Marcel for $15us. a small patch of canvas you use at anchor to keep the boat from swinging back and forth on it's chain.
i am told that tomorrows chore is laundry again. none too soon.
Last night Angela cooked a pork loin in the pressure cooker. we added some local chili i found at market and a 'toyota plant.' (guessing at spelling, but they all said this word) it's an ugly green vegetable you skin and quarter. we threw it in with the onion, potato and carrots in the roast. for a special treat Angela also cooked Plantains. these were some she bought earlier in the week - green and let ripen on the boat. she sauteed these then added a pinch of brown sugar. delish.

all good here. just sitting in the boat listening to the wind howl. we're doing left overs tonight after the big lunch spread at the marina.

if half the time is spent in harbor at anchor waiting on weather - then i am learning to be a sailor!

xo skip