Thursday, February 14, 2019


A big shout out to blog reader Doug Lester 
for helping to 'suss out' the fix.
Doug and Peggy Lester, Skip Xmas 2018

Doug is a cattle farmer in Valdosta GA, with diesel tractor engines, cows and an old friend from college.  He saw yesterdays blog post and reached out with all the knowledge I'm terribly short of.  (if we learn from our mistakes I'll have my honorary doctorate soon) After a phone call, shared photos, and numerous text messages we got it all done.
"Simple skip, just open the two screws on the injector pump, hand prime the lifter arm of the lift pump till bubbles stop bleeding from the screws and till fuel comes out.  then tighten the two screws, loosen the fuel injector lines off the injector pump and crank her up."  -Doug L.   ('my, how simple' -me)

It all worked and she started right up.  I'll let her run for five hours to insure it's all OK and then plan for our next leg of the adventure on toward Andros Island for check in.  We are still under quarantine now, flying our bright yellow flag.  (by law we cant go to shore or have any shore folk come here until after we check in with Customs agents.)  Our current Plan B is to leave this anchorage at noon tomorrow.  take an hour or so to run and test all - again - then proceed toward Andros Island and our check-in.  all good on board.  tonight pork chops with cabbage, plus some honey maple beans...  yum!
In the galley listening to Doug explain it all.

Hopefully the next leg is very boring!  
Happy Valentines to Everyone.

Diesel Engine mechanic Skip

ps. i did my nails this afternoon after work