Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Kemah 10.26

Stress Level - Orange.

i spent the day yesterday; unloading Uhaul boxes, returning trailer, and crawling through the engine room trying to start the generator or engine. i cant recall how many trips i made over the engine and through the generator, to get to the battery i go...

(handy man handywork)

the 'handy man' who has been 'watching' the docks. (i think living on the boats) says; "i have been starting the generator every day to keep the batteries charged." then he goes on to say - "your batteries are no good and need to be replaced." (so why does he say he was 'charging' them?) now he's run all the diesel out and moved onto a large trawler down the dock.

the guy in the photo is 5'6" tall and almost fits in this large engine room. i have to bend a little. well you can see the batteries and i agree - they need to be replaced. so after some 'office work' i go to back to my fulltime job of boat repair...

with the hurricane damage to local marinas, there is no electricity or water yet. this is why i need my generator (generate electricity, charge batteries, heat water, pressure water from my tanks) yikes! my degree was in business. should have gone to ATI for diesel engine repair!


PS. i found the closest post office (~1/3 mile bike ride) for forwarding mail. went to the closest Library to work and it's closed - flooded. so i sit in a coffee shop feeling gritty. i'm also charging my phone... stress level down to a soft mauve. (went to the public restroom at a nearby hotel last night to 'freshen up.' i'm human again.) now it's off to the boat store for new batteries....