Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sat. 7.11.9 Helping Move Iron Maiden

My neighbor on slip J7, Iron Maiden, needs help moving his boat to the Bahamas. i have volunteered to help him as far as Marathon Florida...

We leave at 1pm today. that's all i know for now. i hope to write more later.

well it's 'later.'

we were supposed to leave on Wed, 7.8th. but -but -but now yesterday i heard it was 1pm today. ....

(we are not leaving today.) 2:30pm and they just came over to ask about my 'food choices.' (allergies or preferences)

NO we aren't leaving today.

i had already emptied my fridge. (poured 1/2 gallon milk down the sink) threw out eggs, corn and salad stuff only to find we are not leaving till tomorrow... i sat here and slowly ate a 1/2 pint of ice cream for lunch. so, it's not all bad.

im packed and ready to go any second. but if they have not yet gone to the store, they aren't ready! food is a big part of a pirates day. (she asked "do you like coffee in the morning?" "is it part of your day?" as if i would say - oh posh, dont bother...) this is gonna be BLOG fodder for sure. i can tell.

if i survive, there will be crap to write.

-skip the pirate