Thursday, January 05, 2017

"Holiday Weekend" (or time off the boat)

"You aren't saying much lately -- 
must be fixing those 'night lights'.    - Sister Jane"

Well, not exactly.  i went by WestMarine and bought the new replacement lights, except they didnt have them in stock.  So although i now "own" a set, i dont have them yet. Any day now...    

Currently i'm down on the other end of the Island / Key and enjoying living on land a few days.  David Cox and John Daniel were scheduled to visit me this weekend, paid for a beautiful spacious townhouse for the weekend and then had some conflicts requiring their attention in Texas.  So, much against my will, i am forced to relax in the arms of luxury all weekend just so their lodging does not go to waste.  It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it!

Speaking of dirty job, how about Crab Pot fishing?  Take a smelly dead fish filled cage, put concrete in the bottom to weigh it down, then let millions of razor sharp crustaceans grow all over it.  Now get on a pitching boat and haul them up and down all day.  Now that is work! (plus you are constantly replacing them when sailboats run over your floats)  Plus you are going to have hours at sea just to reach your Pots.  

three more things:  Radio Cuba, Manatee and local flora.

So far this is the only Manatee i've seen in Florida.  (tons of signs to watch out for them)  But i'll continue to be mindful of their space and try to not hit them with my boat...

On a bike ride two days ago i ran into the Government facility broadcasting to Cuba.  I didnt hear the radio broadcast but did see the 4 massive towers.  I suppose we are sending them Propaganda?