Monday, January 23, 2023

We got a new Campground style charcoal grill at the Oaks.

 A new grill and I got to install it... Finally.

The Oaks board chose a new grill as a project in 2022 

and we got it installed and finalized... finally today.

I'm in building number 4, so this is right outside and behind my crib.

We also got two new picnic tables
my car and Villa on the right.

A TEST of the grilling system last night.

It works as planned.

LtoR: Jill, David, Nora.

It's really Jill's birthday on Friday, so this was a surprise cake for her.  But during discussions last week, David and Nora were both 'bitching' because they said, "I never had a birthday or cake when I was a child."  (poor unspoiled little brats) David grew up in Newfoundland, but Nora has no excuse. (Nora claims abject poverty as to why she never had a cake.  I call Bullshit.  Even poor kids can steal a birthday cake!) They were very surprised and the cake rocked...  So, maybe I'll tell them I never got a cake either?

Happy Birthday Jill.              -Skip