Saturday, January 20, 2018

Leaky Rudder Post Packing

My back is killing me.  

I spent 4 hours bent over working down below my knees deep in the bilge.  The rudder post packing was leaking and needed to be replaced. (where the rudder post comes up through the boat to steer the vessel, it has a Flax to keep water from flooding in.  Flax is like a thick twine covered in wax.)  I got the job done, but it was touch and go a few times.  (see my Picaso below)  I got up to get another tool and my back locked up, cramping from being tweaked too long.  Lots of stretching in my future.

Leaking Packing lets water into the bilge.
A lock nut tightens up snug from the bottom to hold the Packing Nut in place.
The Packing Nut is hollow up underneath, where you shove Flax and then tighten it down till the water stops coming in.

To remove the old Flax, i used some curved picks and pulled it all out.
*see the curved pick here
In the package above is the new white Flax.
Here it is, with old Flax removed.  The new installed, tightened down, cleaned and fixed.

Now to go out, get to shore and S-T-R-E-T-C-H my back.  Walk, stretch, and ride my bike.  Then i think i'll do some stretching.  My neck is like a tight rubber band. 
My back aches.  Even my hand is cramping...
I hope your rudder post is not leaking.    
- Peg leg pirate Skip