Monday, August 20, 2018

Give me a hand?

I saw a Hand Surgeon today.  

As part of my normal yearly routine i am checking in with all my medical support teams. Last Friday i saw a Rheumatologist about Arthritis pain in my knuckle joints. She confirmed i have arthritis.  (basically said: 'toughen up, you're getting old.')

Today the Hand Surgeon said, 'that my X-ray showed the finger was broken.'  But it's healed and "you had a good outcome."  (my fear was that he would yell at me and want to re-break it, to set it better.)  This all stems from a Softball mishap back in Marathon Spring of 2017.   *LINK

Circa Jan. 2017 

At that time, in 2017, i could wiggle it and it didn't "feel" broken.  I used an ice pack and aspirin and lots of soreness and cussing.  But in the past year or so, both hands have started to ache from Arthritis and just plain getting old.  So today i finally went to see a Doctor about the hand...  I didnt want it to get worse if there was any treatment available to help slow the decline or lesson the discomfort.  There's not.  I'm Old and plan to get older...
In addition to hands, I saw a Dermatologist last week, to check for any skin cancers.  NONE.  I got an all clear there.  [Plus, YOU are very very lucky that i dont have any photos of me disrobed in a paper gown with the back open!]

Still outstanding:
Primary Care Physician,
Optometrist, and finally
Gastroenterologist for a Colonoscopy.

I'm living the dream.  Just think, retired, Arthritis, broken finger and a Colonoscopy.  Life is a sweet banquet of joy and i'm filling my cup to the brim.  May I please have seconds?  A bigger cup?
- Peg Leg Pirate Skip