Saturday, July 31, 2021

JULY 2021

 What a long strange trip it's been.
This all started late in May when I drove over to Texas to pick up crew.  All of June and July have been spent in transit & finalizing Prodigal for sale. 

 #1.) Texarkana TX where i drove the Uhaul.

#2.) in Searcy, AR where i offloaded the truck into storage.  Staying with Pearly the cat.

#3.) a quick stopover in Rogers, AR to visit Cam and Robin Prock. (far RT) as Cam loads up his bicycle to go with L-R: Larry, Jack, Kip, Gerard, Cam to ride across Iowa.  RAGBRA with ~30,000 riders!

#4.) McAlester, OK to visit my older brother Steve and his family.

#4.) North Dallas to visit John and Jodi. 
Plus a visit with Katie, my tax lady.
Finally a very quick stop to see David Cox, the mermaid man.

#5.) Collin Street Bakery for an Apple Pie!  (because it's there)

#6.) A weekend trip to Boerne TX, Tapatio Springs Resort to visit my college frat bros.

But ....  Prodigal?
(she's now on the brokers dock with signs on her and listed up on the web at their webpage. Little Yacht Sales)
After we got Prodigal to Kemah at the end of June, I worked on emptying her of all my posessions.  Next I rented the Uhaul truck and carried everything, while dragging my car, up to Arkansas and into storage.  Lastly I went on a whirlwind tour visiting family and friends.  Now I'm back in Kemah tying the ribbon into a pretty bow.  Soon to depart on yet another adventure.  (I'm just not sure what)