Saturday, February 25, 2023

Ukraine on the brain

OK, it's been a tough year and this whole Ukraine emergency has somehow become commonplace.  It's no longer shocking.  Sure we support the Ukraine, we hurt for them and feel their pain.  But it's no longer the lead story, now the news is talking more about how much it's snowing....   We talk about how much a loaf of bread costs compared with a year ago.  Oh yes, and the Ukraine?  They request more help.  Faster.  The Ukraine is not asking for loaves of bread.  They need TANKS.  Jets.  Money.

What's the cost of the war?  
What do you 'see' when you think of the war?
Do you think of women soldiers?  Do you envision a death masked fire breathing killer?
What does the face of the Ukraine look like?

I was at the grocery store this week, to buy my very expensive loaf of bread, and saw a tiny little Pixy skipping across the parking lot, holding her mothers hand.  She was noticeable because of her Tutu.  That and the skipping and how darn cute she was.  Anyway, when I was leaving the store with my overpriced food stuffs, I asked the Mom if I could take the little ballerina's photo.  The Mom said it was OK, but she spoke with a very thick-creamy-accent.  I took a photo and asked the little Pixy, 'what is that painted on your face?'

She says, "It's the Ukrainian Flag.  We are from the Ukraine."  I was immediately overwhelmed with emotion.  I cant complain about the cost of my bread if cute little Pixies are being killed in the Ukraine.

THIS is the face of the Ukraine!

Dear God, please bless the Ukraine, 
and give them Peace, 
Love and TANKS.          