Friday, April 07, 2006

mexico friday 4.7

i dove. i dove three times yesterday and now three more today. im good and tired. just stopped off in my dripping swimsuit from the boat on the way to the hot hotel shower to write a quick note.

the water is fine. the city is fine. no real damage to buildings (from hurricane wilma) and all is clear and hot here. have more diving in the morning.

moved the first morning from my spot on the downtown square to a {nicer} hotel 2 blocks from the dive location. the town square was very "alive" with city noise and not really as restfull as i was hoping for. the lovely city tower with the town clock rang all night long. the bands played till long after i went to bed and just before i fell asleep. its nice and quiet in my new hotel.

had grilled red snapper last night and am thinking a larger piece of the same might be just the ticket tonight. between dive 2 and 3 i had 30 minutes to grab a bite. grabbed 4 chicken nuggets at mc donalds. im starving.

tired and not really sunburned. gonna run now. will try to write more later. its tough to keep up when you are under water for every waking moment!

hope its lovely in your part of the world.

XO skip