Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Pioneer Museum

Wow what a venue!  The old city courthouse was being threatend to be torn down, but several wealthy 'City Leaders' would not allow it, and instead turned it into the Pioneer Museum.

built in MDCCCC = 1900

note; the Native American heads above the windows.  All 25 are different.

The darker stone is marble.  The lighter colored columns and wall pillers are painted wood.

the detailed, hand carved, ornate woodwork is everywhere throughout the building
more hand painted wood.

both Gold and Silver were mined in the area.  note the baby upside down.
two murals pained on the courtroom wall
District Court
a wagon full of grasshoppers? yes.

The Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs area was a health destination for TB patients

relics and atrifacts. wooden water pipe and aligator doctors bag.

I've really enjoyed my stay in Colorado Springs.  The entire city is full of art and flowers.  It's been fun playing tourist here during August.  I'm afraid my time has run out prior to my completion of the to-do list.  Maybe I'll come back some day and finish seeing everything? 