Monday, September 23, 2013

Color me DUMBASS

I'm sitting in the Houston International Airport waiting for my flight to DFW and connection on to Vancouver BC, Canada for the start of a long run of shows. I'm dizzy, spinning with all the whirlwind of my blurry brain. Too many shows back to back with too many facts to keep straight. (did we order labor yet for New Orleans? have we gotten confirmation on the walkie talkies for San Diego? When will the trucks arrive in Vancouver - will Customs be a factor?) i didnt sleep well, worried about missing my multiple alarms set for 4:50am.

But now i sit in the lobby of Houston International drinking coffee trying to relax and run once again through my list of worries and series of "what will go wrong" scenarios.

At the ticket counter the American Agent informed me that my flight 'that boards in 40 minutes' is across town at Hobby Airport, not Houston International. So i have not even had a chance to worry about going to the wrong airport. Ever. Never entered my mind. Thank God. i would have lost more sleep worrying about that!

I am now booked on a 9:15 flight to make my connection in Dallas.

what's next? (at some point in the next two weeks while i'm on the road, i'll have to think about how i'm going to get from the wrong airport on my return to where my car is parked) I'm hyperventilating again worrying about what will go wrong next.

yikes!!! hope YOUR day goes smoothly - like mine! xo skip