Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Owls in my park

There are nesting Bard Owls near me.  This week the first of 3 babies finally left the nest.  So the Park Ranger closed the trail near their tree.

Rumor has it that their were 'too many' Photographers on the trail and they might scare the babies, adults and even get into fights among themselves over the perfect shooting spot.

I cant really say there were too many photographers.  But, there were enough.

Kim, the Audubon Lady, told me that "when the babies 'LIMB' (leave the nest and start climbing out of the hole onto the limbs.) I'm afraid that people with dogs might scare the birds."  So to protect the three babies, they closed the trail.

Mom has a delicious fresh Lizard for the babies dinner.
The three babies eagerly wait for a yummy lizard.

Mom "helps" push the biggest baby out the door onto the limb.

Now all 3 babies are out of the nest, on the limb, and learning to fly.  The trail is CLOSED and I have lost my photography models.  I guess I'll have to go back to hunting for Alligators!

Have a great Easter Weekend!
Ornithologist Skip