Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

It's a small world after all...
I ran into some old friends in the rehab facility this week.  The first encounter was the very cute couple Earl and Bonnie.  They took their meals each day at the table with Dad.  I voted them the cutest couple in rehab.  Yesterday they mentioned their son was coming to visit.  Sure enough he showed up with his wife in tow.  Retired 30 years Dallas Cop.  They visited Earl and Bonnie then took off to drive over to the house and check the mail for bills.  After they were gone i found out their last name is Belcher.  Earl and Bonnie Belcher.  Son Tommy Belcher.  The same Tommy i went to school with for twelve years.  I didn't recognize him till i heard the name and looked closely.  In my defense, he has grown a foot taller and put on 50 lbs of Dallas cop muscle.

In addition to Tommy, i also ran into John Burkett, Harry Olrey, and Rhonda Moyer.  

 Out getting fresh air
 Lynn's daughter Hannah, Dad & Lynn
Lynn, Dad & I

Dad's doing better.  His strength is improving.  His walking stamina is increasing along with his balance and ability to stand and sit.  (by himself)  Saturday and Sunday don't have any therapy sessions, so we got lots of rest and were able to build our confidence.

Angela asked me to post some photos of the era, of Tommy.  So here you go.  
Two shots circa 1975.  Senior photo and our class officer shot.