Friday, June 08, 2012

Now I'm working in Charlotte.  (no i haven't yet gone to the NASCAR hall of fame.  yes, it's here.)

I left Boston in a blur. My flight was at 7am. So I set my alarm clock for 3:45am. This is early, even for me. The gist of the story line – I was not my usual “James Bond style” cool self when arriving at the airport. First the lady who yells at everyone to remove their shoes and belt, and empty their pocket and all the other blah, blah, blah stuff yelled at me. “Sir you cant have that bottle of water!” I didn’t notice and left it in my tray. I start going through the window machine… “STOP THAT MAN.” (Yelling lady screaming at me.) “check that bottle and make sure it’s empty.” They make me come back and throw away my cup of water in the bottle. No problem, I know the rules. I just wasn’t awake enough to follow the rules. (she comes over and gets way up in my face. “Sir, why did you do that? I told you not to put your water bottle in the tray.” I just said I was sorry. I think it was a rhetorical question?) Second I get to the window machine. Where you hold your hands up above your head like a jumping jack pose. Then they yell at me, “Sir, you left your belt on.” Take it off and run it through the Xray. (I’m thinking they will want me to do another Jumping Jack. But no, it’s time for a pat down. So I’m in my sock feet without my belt. (and now without my water) and the guard / TSA agent says, “Lift up your shirt.” (so he can frisk me. To insure I am not hiding another belt under my shirt?) then this surprise, “sir I’m going to run my finger around the inside of your pants.” I just laugh and say to knock himself out. I tell him, “this is not the highlight of my day.” He gives me a look that conveys ‘I’m a total idiot.’ “Sir, imagine it from my perspective.” Then we both laughed. I guess it must suck to be TSA and spend your day running your finger around guys pants!

I slept all the way and now am enjoying some great weather in Charlotte. What a beautiful place this is.

Gotta run now, there’s work to do. -Skip