Friday, August 20, 2021

A day of JEEP-ing on the Gold loop

Cam Prock @ Garden of the Gods.  
note: the little climber on the far rock over Cam's hands.

Over the weekend my good friend Cam Prock came to visit.  He drove his jeep from Arkansas so we could do a day of jeeping.  Saturday we drove a scenic route from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek Colorado arriving just in time to watch the 90th Donkey Day parade. From there we drove 'the Gold loop' arriving back at Cripple Creek and eventually home to Colorado Springs.

But first we visited the Garden of the Gods and the Fossil Museum.

note: he's barefoot


I asked the lady ranger to "lean forward and point at the fossil."  (i wanted a shot of her hat) She says, "WHY?  Are you going to post it on the website Rangers Pointing at things?" (that's a real thing!)


90th DONKEY DAYS of Cripple Creek, Co.
What i understood is that when the Mine closed, the miners released the Donkeys and now they run wild in the area.  Once a year they gather them up and have a parade... and a 2 day party with free concerts and a 'donkey race.'

"I'm 93 years old...."

"we've been up since 5 cooking pancakes."

when the parade floats threw candy - this little cutie picked it up with both hands.

Cripple Creek

after all that, Now we GO JEEPING!

Butt surfing down a mountain?

It was a great visit with glorious weather and a FUN day!  Thanks for sharing Cam.  I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely cool August.
