Sunday, January 30, 2022

Another week, another adventure?

In addition to Ebike riding, I have been tied up helping my downstairs neighbors with thier 'blind chores.'  One has eye surgery and needs transportation, plus he is trying to get a new cellphone.  I've taken him 5 times to the cell phone store changing and then returning phones.  None are easy enough for him.  A smart phone is too smart for him and he cant "see" any of the screens or buttons.  Makes for challenging operation.  In addition he has a Russian girlfriend who does not speak english.  He bought her a phone too.  So I've been giving never ending phone operation demos in english and russian.

The eye center, "can I see my foot?"

Can you hear me now?
A happy face after phone shopping for 2.5 hours
Another phone class.  "this damn thing does not work."

The other neighbor needed help lifting and moving things and reading the Pet Rules.
Another guy needed help to buy a new electric razor.  

This past week it rained a few days and had a cold front blow through.  (it's colder here today than in Amarillo TX.  damn, that's cold!)  Amarillo has a sunny 54 heatwave and Clearwater has a 52 cloudy gray freezing winter day.  I cant wait for the nice weather again so I can ride my Ebike and get some exercise.

The latest weird thing?  The residents association is looking for new board members and they are courting me to run for office.  I'm chewing on that for now.  I'ld rather be out bike riding....