Thursday, December 13, 2007

Boot Key Harbour 12.13

Red sky at night - Sailors delight. Red sky at morning - Sailors take warning. Rain on the windscreen - rough in the Gulf Stream!


We pulled anchor at 10am and set sail north from Bahia Honda back to the Marina at Book Key, in Marathon. We had to tack a few times out in the Gulf Stream of the Atlantic because we were sailing directly into the wind. (it was 'rough') we had waves about 5'-8' and winds up to 34 kts. (about 38 mph) It was a big day for sailing! we even were met by a nice squall line to throw something extra into the mix. rain and weather. it cleared up before we got to the harbour for a nice sunny time tying up.

The sail down is in Yellow, the return is Red.

After showers we cleaned up the boat and went out for Sushi. (very fresh!!)

having fun! hope your holidays are sunny and bright.

xo skip