Wednesday, November 14, 2018

AC gone bad in the back-o-the boat.

On a boat the air-conditioner has water pumped through it.  It's "water cooled."  Well earlier this week my aft AC had it's pump crap out.  It may be cold where YOU are, but here in Ft. Pierce FL its still hot and stuffy.  Today it was in the high 80's.  To sleep, I prefer it not be hot and sticky.  As it's a very small space down under the floorboards, I had to mount the raw water strainer and pump onto a board to squeeze it all in.  After a trip to West Marine for a new pump and a $300 hit to my card, I have things cool again.  Ahhhhhh the Pirates Life! 

Back in place, installed and cool.

Earlier this week i got my 'new Florida numbers' put onto the dinghy.  (it used to have TX#'s.)  First paint over the old Texas information with grey paint.  Then get your $2 Walmart stencil and paint new black Florida info and place the registration sticker.  I'm legal again.

Now it's time for bed.     - Pirate Skip