Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Photos of my 'do-over' crash

Now that I look back on the 'crash' i wish i had gotten off the boat and taken a photo from the dock across the way.  At the time i was just trying to 'keep it together' and relax, catch my breath and plan for the 'do-over' to insure i didnt crash twice...   With the tide going out and the Indian River flowing, it made for quite a push to sling me into the dock poles.  It was a Christmas Miracle that i didnt hit either boat beside me.  (Embarrassing?  Yes!  Tragic?  No.)  No blood, no foul.

I've added these photos to allow you to more clearly visualize how i slammed into the dock pilings.  When i couldnt make the turn into the slip, between the poles, the water pushed me into them.

I hope you are safely tied to a floating dock and that 
your 'home' is ready for Hurricane Season!

gotta run finish prepping mine!                 -Skip