Friday, October 31, 2008

New Marina 10.31.08

At dock - Kemah Boardwalk Marina.

"The Wanderer" - from Captain Ron Movie.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Skip Williams ,

P.O. Box 71 ,

Kemah, TX. 77565

Quote from my mom today: Jane (my sister) said you told her you two can sail this week. You two don't know how to do that! Thank God you didn't buy an airplane!!

Have a wonderful time. So glad she can come visit.

Mom and Dad
Monday 10.27 a cold front blew in about 3:15am. i can only 'guess' the time because it was soon after the bar closed and the drunk man stopped screaming his threats and curses... i certainly wish he would have fought the other drunk guy as he was in a "condition" to have suffered greatly! today i work on boat chores and try to get some 'office' work caught up. -busy bee skip

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Kemah 10.26

Stress Level - Orange.

i spent the day yesterday; unloading Uhaul boxes, returning trailer, and crawling through the engine room trying to start the generator or engine. i cant recall how many trips i made over the engine and through the generator, to get to the battery i go...

(handy man handywork)

the 'handy man' who has been 'watching' the docks. (i think living on the boats) says; "i have been starting the generator every day to keep the batteries charged." then he goes on to say - "your batteries are no good and need to be replaced." (so why does he say he was 'charging' them?) now he's run all the diesel out and moved onto a large trawler down the dock.

the guy in the photo is 5'6" tall and almost fits in this large engine room. i have to bend a little. well you can see the batteries and i agree - they need to be replaced. so after some 'office work' i go to back to my fulltime job of boat repair...

with the hurricane damage to local marinas, there is no electricity or water yet. this is why i need my generator (generate electricity, charge batteries, heat water, pressure water from my tanks) yikes! my degree was in business. should have gone to ATI for diesel engine repair!


PS. i found the closest post office (~1/3 mile bike ride) for forwarding mail. went to the closest Library to work and it's closed - flooded. so i sit in a coffee shop feeling gritty. i'm also charging my phone... stress level down to a soft mauve. (went to the public restroom at a nearby hotel last night to 'freshen up.' i'm human again.) now it's off to the boat store for new batteries....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Kemah - Boat - 10.25

Oct. 25, 2008
I'm here - on the boat. My boat: PRODIGAL. i unloaded boxes till i found one labled quilt / pillow. then i went to dinner. it was a long trip down. started with a flat tire on the trailer... ended with no diesel on the boat, no electricity, no batteries. i slept like a baby!

Now day two and i'm a mile down the road at an internet cafe enjoying breakfast and coffee. (plugged in my cell phone to charge) i'll break away from all this luxury and go back to finish taking out boxes and return the Uhaul. (perhaps then a nap?)

Lots to do here with my lengthy to-do list.

more later. -skip

Friday, October 17, 2008

Oct. 17, 2008 Casa La Cox

Friday - Ft. Wth, Texas.

I have been staying with the David Cox family in Fort Worth. They have the lovely Casa La Cox guest house. But all good things must end, so i bought a boat down in the Houston area and will be moving.

David at his Surprise 50th party. (holding grandson Aiden, w/ son Jarod)
ASSORTED shots since my last posting.

no one injured.
Jose Cadena and family from lunch visit.