Thursday, July 21, 2016

August 7th Prodigal begins her quest

Well it's past time to begin sailing, to start the grand adventure.  I bought the yacht Prodigal in October 2008.  My original departure date was always way off in the future.  Then in May of this year i retired setting my departure date for June 22, then July 12, and now August 7th.  Almost all the boat chores are done and she's ready.  Sure there are still some things to do - but there will always be things not finished...  It's gotta start somewhere.  Remember what Captain Ron said, "If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there."  So, let's get out there and make some things happen!

Thanks to everyone who has recently called, texted, and emailed asking about my plans and whereabouts.  I can easily see how some minor confusion got started when i kept changing my departure date.  Let's consider the August 7th date as the final one.  (unless weather changes that too) I realize you are curious and concerned about my rookie season on the water.  With good reason.  I recently purchased some new electronics that will allow you to see where i am while sailing.  *I'll include links so you can follow me at sea. The first is tracking my AIS via this link.  The second is called SPOT. (it bounces off low level satellites providing a bread crumb trail of where i am at sea)   These tracking devices are because i was threatened with having a dog chip implanted in my neck so they could find me.

I've been busy since my last posting with a lot of boat chores.  JD came to visit over the 4th holiday so that was a nice vacation.  But after that,  it's been all work.