Monday, April 18, 2011

a party under the bridge.
Kemah Crawfish Festival 2011
This weekend was the first annual Crawfish Festival. This stuff is in my back yard. i decided to take a couple of photos of the crowds. These two shots were taken from the top of the parking garage beside the Marina. From my vantage point i decided to take a couple of shots of the roller coaster. Then i wondered what their faces might look like. It seems every time they make the big drop there are screams of delight. Every time.... (from my boat i can listen quietly and hear far off laughter and screams from the Roller Coaster all the time) It was a lovely day with lots of sunshine and cool breezes. ahhhhh, the spring!

I hope you are screaming with delight wherever you are today!

xo Pirate Skip

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