Saturday, September 24, 2011

Still in San Francisco...

Well San Francisco is a truly strange place! (the land of fruits and nuts) i flew out here 9/6 and now i'm finally finishing up tomorrow, to fly home the 26th.
What's so strange about San Francisco you ask? (if you ask, then you've never been here!) the Hippies of the sixties came here and spawned an attitude of: Peace, joy, equality, entitlement and a liberal mindset that has everything turned upside down. i.e. the homeless, the homo's and the "purely medicinal marijuana." now dont get me wrong, i'm not saying there's anything wrong with 'those people' but it's pretty thick with them here!

  • we had a 'he/she' on our union crew. (is that pc to say?) god worker, no complaints, just not what i'm used to. *he was a man with a boyfriend. he decided for 'sexual reasons' to change his sex to a female. so, he became a she. (had plumber doctors change all the parts) then after all that, she decided she was a lesbian and now dates women... (why not do that originally as a man?)
  • homeless. goodness i have never seen so many beggers. there are panhandlers everywhere. often they exhibit psychotic shouting, talking to themselves. (carrying on conversations) enough said - it's thick with them here.
  • Medical Marijuana. i haven't done a survey, but i can smell it walking down the streets. i am told that you can get a perscription from any doctor and there are many 'dispenseries' throughout the city. places where they take your medical perscription and sell you pot. (it comes in smoking forms, in candy, cookies, pills) i dont know, but guess it could be abused by the homeless... duhhh
  • Old Work Friends:

well, these guys aren't homeless. i ran into Mike Windmeyer (ike henderson) and Jon Lanier in Seattle on that earlier show.

This trip Jeff Marker and Kevin Gorman were also in San Fran and we met up for dinner one night. what a couple of knuckleheads. great to catch up with ya!

Napa visit. i had a quick 3 day visit to Yountville with Greg and Susan. between my first and second show i ran up to Napa valley and stayed with Greg and Susan. We went to the Napa City Opera house Saturday night and saw Lee Ritenour in concert. Thanks again Greg and Susan. that was a nice visit.
work - screen. the work has been pretty straightforward and per usual. till thursday night 8pm when i got a phone call about a switch up. it seems that one of the keynote speakers couldn't make it out here, so they got a stand in dentist to talk. the trick is that he had to have a 3:1 format screen. ( three times as wide as tall) this is not something we had sitting around. so we had to put two screens together and then create a patch to go in the middle to cover the border strips. it worked out and everyone was happy. but we butchered that fabric to create the band-aid.

now it's the last day of convention and we will pack it all up for loading trucks in the morning. i hope everything is going well with you - wherever you are!

xo skip

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