Saturday, August 13, 2016

Pensacola Saturday 8.13 / Day 1

Saturday Day 1.  8/13th  2016
I got up early to the extreme surprise and delight of clear bright skies and 74 degrees.  I had slept with the hatches open expecting rain at any time during the night.  But, for now it’s sunny and the heat is going to build…  (it’s 80 now and feels like 85)

I met a local guy and he informed me there is a grocery nearby – gave 5 minute directions to it, like a drunk trying to decipher his own whereabouts.  In addition, there is a laundry in the same strip mall.  I’m going to unload the bike and go on a scouting mission to see if it’s a cab, bike, or walk.    (or if it’s even really there)
I need to do laundry, get food and find a marina store for boat stuff.  If  (“IF”) I can manage a nap, then everybody wins!  Last night the empty outside bar from the other night was packed to standing room only with a live band on the deck behind me.  I have no idea how long they played but it looked like they were having fun.  Sounded like it.  It didn’t keep me awake as nothing could have.
Gonna run now and try to beat the next rains as they will also surely come before I’m ready.

REPORT:  it was real and i did a real big pile of laundry, bought some groceries and 2 big monster bags of ice via Uber.  Even made it back to the boat before the rains started again for the afternoon. Even worked in a great nap in the cockpit breeze.  Ahhhhhh the life!

Bike Pirate Skip

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