Saturday, September 16, 2017

Post Storm report

I'm home and they TURNED ON THE ELECTRIC TODAY.  There was something 'popped' up on the power pole at the transformer.  now i can turn on my AC and start enjoying life again!  Run the water heater and wash dishes.  SLEEP in glorious cool dry crisp AC.

Throughout the entire 'storm event' i encountered a common 'helping hand' from everyone.  Total strangers offering aid were universally gentle and caring to one another.  It was heartwarming to witness people behaving civilly.  However, this particular incident i witnessed caused me pain.  It was before the storm.  Irma made land fall in the keys late Saturday - early Sunday, and this happened on Wednesday.  I was in our marina office when a couple of 'early retirement age' came into the office announcing they had tied off to the one of the docks.  (they were seeking shelter at our marina) Unfortunately the Marina's insurance wont allow them to accept boats after a named storm has been projected to make landfall here.  Their faces went from complete jubilation of having sailed in from somewhere to a spot they thought they were safe to abject horror to learn they couldn't stay.  (they asked "where will we go?  where can we?")  I saw them out on the patio near tears as the realization sunk in - we have to untie and go out somewhere else.  It made me very sad as every sailor just wants 'any port in a storm.'

Lynn the question sister asks:
"Any wind damage in your area? You should blog about the shortages you experienced. And any after-affects in Stuart? Is gas extra high? We in other parts of the country are curious about your view of Florida. Where did local boats go to get away from the hurricane?"

a. No Lynn i dont really see 'wind damage.'  The marina didnt suffer any damage and all the trees have their leaves.  I DID see damage in Georgia from the wind.  Trees uprooted and limbs downed. But it's not here in Stuart.  On Signal Mountain TN they closed school for a day and opened it 2 hrs late another day.

b. Shortages?  Yes i did see some of that.  When i left Stuart last Thursday night there was already some gas stations without any gas here.  Later I stopped at 2am going north on the turnpike and was floored to find lines of cars just stopped at the exit and cued up to enter the gas lines.  Every parking spot was taken.  They had twelve State Troopers working the parking lot.  stopping cars and coordinating which car went to which pump. This saved a massive amount of what would have been total bedlam and apocalyptic road rage.  The troopers would yell to each other, "send me one car"  or "pump numbers 9 and 13."  Then the other trooper would release two vehicles.  Nobody got angry. Inside the station was 'a little more hectic' with long, long lines to reach the register for drinks or snacks.  But everyone was good tempered and working together "like rats fleeing a sinking ship."

When i drove back south on Wednesday i encountered some shortages.  I stopped at a McDonalds for coffee and breakfast to find a sign taped to the door.  Something to the effect of, "This is all we have for our menu" and a short list of items they could sell.  I think it was about ten or twelve items.  Later I stopped again for gas and ate at a Waffle House.  They too were out of some items.  I asked for milk, but they had none.  "We are waiting on a truck and the milk man has not come."

When i was at Rock City in the line for tickets i did a non-scientific survey.  I went through the line of customers asking, "Lets have a show of hands, who is a hurricane evacuee?"  About half the line was an evacuee.  I met LOTS of fellow 'Evacs.'  I met a lady today back in Stuart who went all the way up to Knoxville because they couldn't get a room in Chattanooga.  "All the rooms were taken."

 Half this line were Evacs.

A very large Spanish group of 3 families were from Vero Beach, Fl.  

Fellow Evacs (these were from Tampa)

c. Local boats went where?  I dont know.  Most boats aren't back yet.  I'll ask around when they return.

For now just know that I'm fine with no damage and lots of practice in hurricane preparedness.  I hope i dont have to use my new skills again soon?

- Peg Leg Hurricane Evacuee Skip

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So happy for you that there was no damage. You went a long time without power though. Do you have groceries yet?