Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve Miracle

Last night the Marina hosted a Potluck dinner and movie.  It's a Wonderful Life.  (Mommy, every time a bell rings, an Angel gets his wings.)  I've seen the movie a trillion times and always love it.  It did not disappoint.  
(I identify more with Bert and Ernie than George.)

At the Potluck dinner about 5:10pm a cute older couple walked up and sat down on the boardwalk chairs facing the sunset.  They were dressed up a little 'too nice' for boaters.  Also they chose seats for the sunset and not to be with the group.  So I figured they were visitors and not marina rats like us.  I sat by them to have a chat.  They live in Stuart for 39 years and "enjoy the walk and sunset view here."  Originally from Ireland their accent was spot on and like talking in music.  I didn't ask their age but assume it was 80 something.  They asked to hear my story and I bored them for a minute with - ME.  Then I decided I was hungry, so I offered to 'get them a little plate of nibbles' from the potluck.  They had their own drinks and I fixed them a sharing plate of snacks and dips.  You should have seen them light up.  They sat and oohd and ahhd at the sunset and ate their plate.  I fixed another and did the same.  After a reasonable time and when the sun had set they started to get up and told me they really enjoyed the snack.  Then the Old gentleman surprised me.  He shook my hand and said, "thanks for the food Skip.  I'll see you in Heaven."
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."   - Hebrews 13:2

I like to think of that as an endorsement and not a wish.  Another Christmas Miracle.  I hope your Christmas is filled with Peace and Joy!   xo Skip

One of Santa's elves.  (I'm on the right)

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