Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Foundry in Little Harbor (back down island. Thur)

The Johnston family arrived at Little Harbor about 1952 and 
lived in the cave across the bay while they built their first home.  

Today they have built a foundry for casting bronze statues.  They also have a gallery where their items are displayed for sale.  In addition, the only other business is a Bar and Grill.  So you sail into Little Harbor and tie up to one of their rental mooring balls, dinghy to their dock and visit their establishments.  We had a blast and really enjoyed the foundry tour.  Tours are conducted daily at 1:30pm for $10 ea.  This lasted well over an hour and included for us a chance to see them pouring liquid bronze into the precast molds.

The liquid bronze is heated to 2,500 degrees and poured into molds that are heated to a temperature of 1,500 degrees.  (it was hot in the kitchen)  Our tour guide Richard and two other guys donned special silver suits and poured the hot liquid.  Priceless!

96% copper, 3% silicon, 1% manganese. (sometimes glass) = Bronze

First, heat the 'bronze' metals to a liquid @ 2,500 degrees...

looking into the kiln, where they 'heat the molds to 1,500 degrees.'
Richard our tour leader helping to pour molds

Molds of ceramic and sand
'tubes' designed into the mold to let air escape and bronze liquid to flow.

working in the fire heating liquid bronze (2,500 degrees)


The finished products were for sale in the gallery.

A little out of my price range...  but it was great fun to watch them made!

-Bronze Artist Skip

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