Sunday, June 09, 2019

Cam's Marsh Harbor WALK in the rain

Vill the Haitian guard at the marina, where we hung out for an hour hiding from the rain.  Cam and I were walking past their locked, fenced, work yard when it started raining.  Vill signaled us that we were invited to sit in his guard shack to shelter in place through the storm.  We had a great culture exchange and discussed the high cost of living in the Bahamas.  Vill is 48 and worked at this same marina for 30 years.

Then later it rained again and again...

Scotty, Skip, and Baby doll.  Haitian friends I met last year.

Walking through "the Mud."  (A Haitian settlement)

A very thoughtful gift of Cuban Rum 
from the crew of Pinut in thanks to Cam for helping transport their pump.

I hope YOU are enjoying some great Cuban Rum?   -skip

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Wow, that's quite a gift! Glad you two are able to enjoy it together.