Monday, August 30, 2021

The brand new Olympic Museum

 $25 and a little...Underwhelming.

I think it's unfair for me to say anything derogatory about the museum.  The building was big and open with a nice guided path throughout.  Lots of the exhibits told stories of success and overcoming great obstacles.  (You dont get to the Olympics, and you dont win without lots of hard work and God given talent.)  I was just a little dissapointed that so much of the exhibits were video screens instead of historic physical objects.  I was just expecting more.

Standing outside the brand new Olympic museum

A computer generated 'very short' race, where I could run against my chosen athlete.

The 1980 Miracle on Ice

It was a beautiful day with Pikes Peak in the background behind the Olympic Park.

Go team USA!        -Skip

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