Sunday, July 17, 2022

What's UP now?

Golf and Pickleball sort of fizzled.  But I'm still optimistic?  Sorta.  The snowbirds all flew north when it warmed up and left us without any players for Pickleball.  I've ridden my bike over a few times and the court has always been empty.  I guess they will return when the leaves start to turn and the weather cools?  Golf is still available and I truly have intentions of getting a tee time, but never do.  I go out for a few hours of FREE bike riding and have yet to golf.  But, it's still there whenever I want...


 Bike riding for hot sweaty exercise / blown tire / still happy?

I noticed my back tire was slick and needed to be replaced so I rode the ten miles to the bike shop and got two new tires.  Both front and back, plus new innertubes.  $110 and it only took them about 7 minutes.  BUT (read BUT) on the way home, when i was 5 blocks from home the front tire BLEW out.  (sounded like gunfire) I had to raise the front up and walk it home 'like' a Unicycle.  

NOT like this.
Also NOT me.
Not me either, but pretty darn cute!
Also NOT me.  But if you can, imagine ME standing on the ground pushing this bike and cussing, that's what it was like.  Holding it straight up and walking it 5 blocks home. The next day I took the front tire in my car and drove back to get it re-repaired.  It's been fine since!  I still love the Ebike.


The Woodpecker is still visiting almost daily.  He sits on a limb that brushes up against my livingroom window.  Next he pecks on the window.  I can only imagine he see's his reflection and then picks a fight.  (pecks a fight?)


Resident News and Notes:  it never ends / serving / photography / 'helping' others.

After being voted to the very distinguished position of 2nd Vice President of the resident association my workload has multiplied.  I'm volunteered for stuff and 'specially chosen' for never ending tasks.  Imagine having a resident in their 80's who does not understand computers trying to use a Smart Phone.  Now imagine they have had that same phone for over two years and want ME to give them 'how to' instructions. Finally imagine them calling you many, multiple, times a day to re-show them how to make a phone call....  It goes like this, "you already KNOW how to call, you called me."  to which they reply, "i dont know how i did it."

In addition to my Phone Coaching, I have been helping out taking photos for internal publications and for The Oaks Facebook and stuff.  (I dont really know what for, nor do I care) This is just what I do.

Living large, and on the edge.      -Skip

This post is dedicated to John Azzanari who passed last week.

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