Monday, April 15, 2024

Singing Bowls & Evil Spirits?

We had a 'coffee hour' with singing bowls.

Can you see the total 'lack of interest' on the ladies face in the foreground?  She and her husband, who I sat with, told me 3 times that they had been to Nepal and visited the home of The Dali Lama.  "We saw monks spinning prayer wheels and this is not as good."  In this photo Carol is "removing evil spirits from the audience" by banging on a bowl over people's heads.  (I think the evil is still there)

It was interesting.  The coffee was lackluster.  There was no pastry.  #Sad.

The entire Coffee Hour lasted... well, an hour.  The first half hour Carol described the mystic properties of the bowls.  She banged on each one to show what sound it made, then she took different mallets and ran them around the outside of the bowls to make them 'sing.'  Next she said, "Now everyone close your eyes and relax as I play a singing bowl and we all meditate for 30 minutes."  (I was thinking - RUN FOR IT!)  The "music" was calm and relaxing, BUT, she would not shut up.  Carol would in a flat monotone say things like, "you are in a clear field surrounded by flowers."  If she had left me alone to imagine whatever I wanted I MIGHT have exercised some of my evil spirits?  As it was, I am still evil and I didn't even like the coffee, but I had fun.

Everybody believes in something.  Some people will fall for anything.  But, I'm not really sold on bowls.   -Skip

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