The Short Version: recently when reading the January issue of my subscription to Cruising World Magazine, I saw 'an interesting article.' Sharon Ragle had written a cute little story saying "take my daughter please." She writes about how 16 years prior she had placed an ad in the Classified Section looking for a husband to cruise with her around the world. (read her book) She met, married and circumnavigated and now signs autographs and does the book tour. This article was for lightening to strike twice and find a mate for her daughter Erika. (read the attached below)

OK, i'll bite. i was intrigued to say the least. i wanted to meet both the mother and daughter of this family, to hear their story. So, i wrote Sharon and met both she and daughter Erika at a book signing locally. The story is cute and the romance of the theory is refreshing - get boat, find first mate, sail around the world.

There was no Love Connection between daughter Erika and i, but i did love meeting them both and hearing their story. Never a dull moment living the life of a Pirate and Dock Rat.
Having a lovely spring on board. xo Pirate Skip
http://www.skipsphotos.biz/ I just wish i was smart instead of good looking!
Soooo interesting!
NOTHING is boring when you write about it! Erika doesn't know what she is missing!
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