Wednesday, August 02, 2023

WHAT to write? My last few weeks.

OK, I made a list-o-stuff I can blog about.  

Let's talk about it.  Can we, can we talk about it?

Here are my thoughts on what to write about what I've seen thus far.  Which pictures to include...   Let me know please if you have a preference.  Otherwise I'll probably just pick the easy ones and never mention the others.

THE LIST:    (in no particular order)

1. The Monday Chapala Market

2. The progress on selling the hotel - Casita Montana - and the guests

3. The Animals of Ajijic

4. The people  (families, Adults, kids)  preference?

5. The food  (where's the 'Mexican Food?')

6. The Bus rides

7. The Potato Chip Truck

8. The Music

9. The Street Art and Murals

10. The Mexican Cartel and Lake Chapala

11. My Spanish 101 class at the LCS

12. The 500ml Offroad rally

13. The graveyard in Ajijic

14. Pickle Ball

15. The crazy Canadian Expats from Mazatlan

16. The LCS - Lake Chapala Society

17. The visit to Jocotepec

18. The LCS beer tasting Saturday

19. The drum circle

20. YOUR ideas on what YOU are curious about?  (send me a list)

PLEASE: email, text, or leave a Comment on what you want.          



Ryan said...

Bekki and I like all of the ideas. The most intriguing to us are: 4, 5, 10, 12.

Skip said...

Yippee! Thanks Ryan, I was hoping someone would respond. As the first responder (not a fireman) I'll start with those. -Skip