Friday, February 16, 2018

Super Friday Happy Hour at Jimbo's

Cousin Rick and I are side tied at Jimbo's place on the ICW just one bridge south of Ft. Lauderdale.  We past through 5 bridges today to get down here.  (we are 1 mile south of the Entrance to the ocean.  past it to get here and await our midnight departure.)  How many iced teas will Rick drink in six hours?  I dont know yet, but it's several.  He started with a bowl of sweet steamed clams and I had a bowl of Conch chowder.  I am not sure what else i'll order in the next four hours, but I can guarantee I'll get more iced tea and a slice of key lime pie!

Knock on wood, i'll post tomorrow from the Bahamas!                       - Peg Leg Pirate Skip

Friday night we met Randy who was there with his wife.  He bought Rick and me a drink and then helped untie our dock lines when we sailed away from the USA.  Thanks again Randy!
randy Parnell has left a new comment on your post "Bahamas Bound - Day 1. ICW to Lake Worth": 

Great to meet you fellows at the dock (Friday)! I greatly admire your salt and gumption! Will be eagerly looking forward to your updates of your experiences/travel adventures! Fair winds Gentlemen! 


Unknown said...

Glad to see you two made it, how did your trip go? I'm sure you're exhausted. Run into anything like sea monsters, pirates or Haitians? How did the heavens look while out in the Atlantic at night?

Unknown said...

It was my pleasure entirely Captain Skip!
I haven't heard from the Broker who said she'd call (boat show). Still gonna be looking for the right one. Please let me know if you run across a good one? Thanks in advance, and I surely you will call anytime if I can ever be of assistance...
Wishing you fairest of winds and seas!